
Field Maps can be found in the Downloads on this page.

We rely heavily on volunteers and with everyone pitching in, we can all enjoy watching some footy in the weekend.

Duty Teams
After 1pm on Friday's, we post a copy of the draw to our Facebook page (a Facebook feed is on our website homepage). If your team is highlighted in a colour, this means:

  • Yellow - Setup fields
  • Green - Packup fields
  • Blue - Setup & Packup fields

It's a great help is supporters are doing this while your coach/manager is getting the team ready for kick-off.

Please make sure your re-check the fixtures after 1pm Fridays as they can change. Always use the WaiBOP website or download their app. We are in the Western BOP leagues.

Every team will need to referee at least half a game. Please don't leave this to your coach to do. Sometimes the opposition team will have someone that's keen to referee the entire game - have a chat before kick-off. You can do the quick online Community Referee course via the WaiBOP website.

Check your grade rules
Always check the rules for your grade, as there are slight changes in some grades.A summary of these can be found on the WaiBOP website
The Retreating Line - if you don't know what this is, it's a fundamental part of the game.


  • Any ground cancellations for home games will be posted on facebook/tcafc.
  • Away games - please check your oppositions Facebook page.
  • We always try to make cancellations early in the morning, and it's not just about the current weather conditions. Grounds can get water-logged and to ensure they aren't damaged long term the Council may need to close them.
  • We also have a Facebook feed on our website home page

Sideline Behaviour Policy
Whether you're on pitch or sideline, you're representing Tauranga City AFC. We expect all members to remain positive, let the players and coaches do their thing and respect the referees. If you aren't happy with any sideline behaviour, from our members or another club, please email immediately. A copy of our policy can be found in the Downloads on this page.

Success Breeds Success