2020 Senior Football
Happy New Year and welcome to the 2020 football season at TCAFC. As well as spending some much-needed time with friends and family over this scorching summer we’ve had, the Exec team has also been busy planning and preparing for the upcoming season.
Key messages below:
- Primary contact on Exec for TCAFC Senior members
- Senior player meeting - Thursday 12th March, 8pm (bar will be open)
- 2020 Fees Increase
We have made some exciting and important changes to the roles and responsibilities throughout the Club, with one of the key changes being establishing key contacts for the respective areas of the football club.
What this means for our Senior members is the appointment of Clint Boyle as the primary contact for Senior football. Clint has played at many levels of Senior football over his association with the Club, most recently within the Relics team over the past two seasons. He will be working with myself, Karyn Bradford, Helen Webb, Jane Burtenshaw and others to get the season going and then throughout the season.
Clint can be contacted on clint@tcafc.co.nz and Karyn on snrfootball@tcafc.co.nz
This role provides great visibility within the Exec for the issues and challenges that Senior football presents, and a direct avenue for Senior members to voice opinions, ideas and concerns primarily aimed at making our club stronger each year, and the Club somewhere that footballers in the region want to be part of.
To kick this off, we’d like to invite those key stakeholders within our Senior teams, and any players you think would find value in the meeting, to a get together at Links on Thursday 12th March - 8pm. The bar will be open. The intent is to hear what went well in 2019, improvements we could make and identify what areas are important for our Senior teams and players within our club.
We see it as a great opportunity to get together, listen to your ideas and concerns, and kick the season off all attacking the same goal.
2020 Fees
This season we will be increasing fees by $25 (about $1.15 per game over the season) for our Senior members, and we wanted to give some context for this in advance of the meeting above where it can be discussed further.
Registrations will be open soon, we're just getting a new sign-up system that we think everyone will prefer to MyComet (NZF registration system).
Over the past 3 years, WaiBOP and NZ Football have increased their fees which we have absorbed. Other member areas (Junior, Youth and Federation) have had price increases the past 2 years to cover this and the increased operational costs that come with our club.
Most of our operational costs over the past 3 years have increased as you'd expect, but in particular we were advised by the council that our rent for Links Avenue will triple this season. The Council changed how they calculate rent 3 years ago and have implemented this along with our new building lease. Due to the size of our clubrooms and that it's not shared means we need to foot the entire bill. We also have increased maintenance on the building which needs to take place, so we adhere to our building lease conditions.
A major differentiator for our club is that we have sole use of Links Avenue which enables us to continue as the only NRFL club in the Bay. We could look at sharing this like other clubs, but we like having sole use, it's our home. So while other clubs can continue to operate at a lower operational cost, it's not sustainable long term for us.
We think it's important you know where your membership fees go, so we've provided a graph below to show this. As you'll see only 41% goes towards the operation of the club with 46% going immediately back to WaiBOP/NZF and 13% towards equipment and kits. To put this into perspective, once all membership fees across the club are paid - the operational % is enough to keep the power on for 8 months of the year.
We're also looking for members to get behind any club initiatives to raise money to help cover our operational costs, any ideas please let us know.
We hope this explains the increase as it was something the Exec discussed at length. We understand that this isn't on par with other local clubs, but we're sure that if they had the benefit of clubrooms like ours, they'd be doing the same.
If you have any questions prior to the meeting, please let myself or Clint know.
Good luck for the season to everyone, we look forward to seeing you around the club.
Ngā mihi nui,