Club Update & New Partner

17 Apr


Most of you would've seen the announcement from NZ Football that the season has been pushed back another month. We are now looking at starting 30th May with team able to start training 16th May, or two weeks prior to the start of the season.

We'll keep you informed of any further updates as they come to hand.


We're pleased to announce a new partner for the 2020 season. Foundation Sports & Rehab will support some of our teams on game days, alongside Toi Ohomai students who they will mentor. Foundation will also offer all TCAFC members an initial physiotherapy assessment free of charge.

Craig Newland, director of Foundation, is no stranger to football. Having played himself in the National League, he has been a physio for the Wellington Phoenix and even pulled the boots back on for our Sunday Relics. 

Foundation have clinics in the Mount, Tauranga, Papamoa and Bethlehem - plenty of options once the lockdown restrictions are lifted.


We know you are disappointed about not being able to train due to Covid-19. But every cloud has a silver lining… now is the perfect time to get on top of those niggling injuries. That way when the sanctions are lifted, and you can return to the pitch you will be fighting fit and ready to go.

Foundation Sports & Rehab are still operating throughout the lockdown. They are conducting physiotherapy consultations via Telehealth (telephone or video conference). What’s more, they are offering this service without any charge to TCAFC members.
So you can stay at home, but continue to sort out your injuries. They will prescribe you exercises to get you back to 100%. Don’t wait until training starts again to get your injuries sorted!

The consultations will be conducted securely through our telehealth platform. Head along to their website and click on "book an appointment". Once you have done this your physio will be in touch with how the call will be conducted.


Players should be working individually to ensure they’re fit and ready to go when we get the all clear to resume training.

A lot of useful training tips and programmes are cropping up online from different organisations, in the football space and elsewhere. Two sources worth highlighting are weekly football-specific programmes published by NZF and F4F. These provide more information for players looking for ideas.


Some of our players would like to see something meaningful that they identify with when walking out the tunnel at Links. We're looking for ideas on what this could say and look like.

If you think of something, submit your idea by clicking here.

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