Coronavirus Message from NZ Football & TCAFC
Message from Andrew Pragnell (NZ Football CEO)
Kia ora tatou,
You will be aware of the recent news regarding the Coronavirus in China and may be wondering what, if anything, we should be doing to minimise our chances of exposure to it.
Our Medical Director advises that there is currently no recommendation to refrain from normal activities, as the risk of becoming unwell with the virus without a history of travel to China in the last 14 days is low. As a result, there are no restrictions on Kiwis attending sporting events or large public events.
Staff should avoid coming to work and seek review by a doctor as soon as possible, by calling ahead if:
- They have in the last 14 days travelled to China or been in direct contact with a known or suspected case of Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV); AND
- They have developed symptoms of fever, shortness of breath, cough or sore throat.
While awaiting medical review, they should isolate themselves and wear a face mask while in public.
Anyone planning travel to China should carefully reconsider and make a decision on an individual case basis consistent with the current travel warnings.
Andrew Pragnell – Chief Executive Officer, NZ Football
Additional Information
You can also stay up to date with Ministry of Health:
The most important thing to do is practice good hygiene:
- Covering coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or coughing/sneezing into your elbow.
- Disposing of used tissues appropriately in a bin.
- Washing hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water and drying them thoroughly, or using hand sanitiser after using the toilet:
- after coughing, sneezing, blowing your nose or wiping children’s noses.
- after touching public surfaces.
- before eating or handling food.
- Trying to keep a metre away from people who are unwell.
- Limiting alcohol and drug use (as this may affect your ability to adequately follow the advice above).
The measures above are especially important for people who have existing health conditions, such as those with diabetes, renal failure, chronic lung disease or who are immunocompromised.
It is important that all members of our club and the public are vigilant with personal hygiene and avoid people with cold or flu symptoms. If the following applies, you should not be attending and football sessions or public events:
- Anyone who is unwell.
- Anyone, arriving in New Zealand who has returned from, or transited through, mainland China, Iran, Northern Italy or the Republic of Korea, of been in close contact with someone confirmed with COVID-19 in the last 14 days are being asked to self-isolate.
If this does apply to you, it is important to register your details with Heathline 0800 358 5453 (or +64 9 3585453 if using an international SIM) if you have not already.