Haere Mai Stacey
Earlier this year, Jacinda Keyte indicated to the Executive Committee that she would be stepping down as Club Secretary once a replacement was found.
On behalf of the club, the Executive Committee would like to thank Jacs for her time in the role and in particular giving us plenty of time to find a replacement. Jacs will be still helping out in the Junior & Youth space, which is great as having her experience around is needed.
Taking over as Club Secretary is Stacey Edwards, who daughter plays in our Gremlins Mini-Blues team. Stacey works in Community Relations at Tauranga City Council and has an administration background in Health. She's very passionate about learning and sharing the stories of Tauranga Moana and public event facilitation.
Although new to football, Stacey along with her partner and daughter enjoy being a part of the sport and community and look forward to contributing for years to come.
Great to have you on-board Stacey!