Registrations Needed

12 May

With the recent good news around Level 2 and contact sport, NZ Football are providing us some guidance on preparing the club for a return to football. There is a lot we don't know at this stage, so we've started an FAQ available on our website here. We'll update this as we find out more but if you have any questions that we can add please let know.

There will be new virus-related procedures to be followed around hygiene, contact tracing and distancing. We are also working with the Council to regain access to fields. Teams cannot resume training until coaches have been contacted with these details. We hope to be in a position to have contacted all coaches over the next 1-2 weeks.

NZ Football have advised that all members need to be registered before they return to training. This is to enable contact traceability at clubs. Please check your Registration Status using the Registration Guide on our website here.

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